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  1. Meet the rigorous requirements of Good Storage Practice (GSP) and the World Health Organization's recommendations, ensuring the highest levels of good storage conditions for pharmaceutical products worldwide.
  2. With ample storage space & a well-organized layout, our warehouses are divided into distinct areas for raw materials, primary and secondary packaging materials &  ready-to-sell products, all stored on plastic pallets to prevent exposure to moisture & other potential contaminants.
  3. Are divided into sections to ensure efficient distribution of all products, with temperature & humidity carefully monitored and controlled at all points using data logger devices
  4. We take great care to maintain clean and well-maintained walls and ceilings throughout our storage areas, and we have implemented special systems for ventilation, electricity, and backup lighting to ensure optimal conditions at all times.


By emphasizing the unique features and benefits of our water treatment plant, using industry-specific keywords & highlighting our commitment to quality & safety, we can improve the visibility & appealof our pharmaceutical factory to potential customers & partners.
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